Workers’ Compensation Lawyers: Personal Injury Claims | Legal Chiefs


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Workers Compensation

How a Good Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Can Help Your Case

If you have suffered a work-related injury or illness, you should be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, but sadly, many employers or their insurance companies deny workmans’ compensation claims, even when they are legitimate. At this point, many applicants give up, while others try their best to navigate the system on their own. We, at Legal Chiefs, have a better solution for you – let us get you in touch with a workers’ comp lawyer from your area and help you get the compensation you need.

Understanding Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation policy is like no other, and it is a national program. This policy is not optional, and most of the states (all except Texas and Oklahoma) require all employers to carry compensation for employees by law.

In its most common sense, workers’ comp is a government-mandated system that pays monetary benefits to employees who became injured or disabled as a result of a work-related illness or accident. This is a type of insurance that offers workers compensation for their injuries or disabilities.

Keep in mind… By agreeing to receive workman’s compensation, employees agree to give up their right to sue their employers for negligence. The goal here is to protect both parties as workers usually give up further resources in exchange for guaranteed compensation, while employers consent to a certain amount of liability while avoiding far more damage (not just losing money but reputation) caused by a larger-scale lawsuit. In other words, all parties benefit from avoiding the legal fees needed to process a trial.
However, like previously mentioned, employers and their attorneys find ways to reject compensation claims, and this is where you may need a lawyer by your side. Keep reading for more benefits of contacting a professional workers’ compensation attorney.

#1. Reignite Your Claim After Denial

An experienced lawyer can build a much better case, gathering the precise evidence to force the insurance company to a favorable settlement. A professional can also arrange to record depositions of any medical experts that may be needed for the case.

#2. Improve Negotiations with the Insurance Company

The hardest part of self-representation in a workers’ compensation case is dealing with your company’s insurance company. Experience matters, and if you’re not a lawyer yourself, you probably don’t stand a chance against companies with thousands of cases under their belts. There may be many routine maneuvers they will try to pull off and that you will be completely unaware of and unprepared for. This won’t be the case with an attorney helping you.

#3. Ensure Correct Wording

An experienced lawyer can build a much better case, gathering the precise evidence to force the insurance company to a favorable settlement. An attorney can also arrange to record depositions of any medical experts that may be needed for the case.

#4. Strengthen Your Chances in Court

Ideally, you want to settle your case in the office conference room, but sometimes, when you’re not satisfied with the offer, you may proceed to trial before a judge. Not only can this be costly and difficult to handle as a non-professional lawyer, but if you are recuperating from an illness or injury, are you will feel like chasing down witnesses, filing petitions and motions, or digging up medical records. And if you are feeling good enough to do so, this doesn’t make you look like a victim looking for proper compensation.

#5. Dealing with Related Legal Issues

Some workers’ comp cases turn out to be highly complex. For instance, you may find out that someone else or some other company besides your employer may have contributed to or caused your injury. This means that you need to have legitimate grounds for a third-party claim, and this is just one possible scenario. A workers’ comp lawyer will be an excellent source of advice and would be able to handle both matters at once.
We, at Legal Chiefs, only work with experienced and well-credited lawyers across the country, and our mission is to connect you with the most suitable one for your case. Regardless of all the benefits listed above, by hiring an experienced workers’ compensation attorney, you gain an ally who will listen patiently and help you get what you are entitled to!

Frequently Asked Questions

The foremost thing to do is to seek medical aid nearby. This is the first priority. Collecting evidence or taking photographs are the secondary priorities that can be managed later. In many cases, an observer helps you get these things done for you. So, you don’t need to worry about that, first find medical help, then collect evidence. Once you have received medical attention be sure to file an incident report with a work manager or supervisor.

Different states have different laws and timelines. You can get up to one year or even four years of the timeline to file your case against the third party for some states. However, the best time frame is within 1 year of the accident. Once you fill the form, you can get the exact information from your lawyer.

There are basically two types of main compensations, which include economic and non-economic. In the economic damages, you get compensation for physical damage, medical bills compensation, and compensation for work missed. On the other hand, the non-economic compensations are on the emotional side like pressure, sorrow, inconvenience, mental suffering, and more. provides useful information about multiple law types and works with a vast network of attorneys. To speak with a workers’ compensation lawyer simply fill out the form or call the number at the top of this page.